Taraweeh - Tarawih
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Tarawih salaah is SUNNAT-e-MUAKKIDAH for both men and women. To perform Tarawih with jama’ah is sunnat-kifayah for men. Which means if some in the community perform it, then others may perform it individually. If a person performs Tarawih at home whilst Tarawih is being performed at the Masjid, he will not be sinful. However, if all the neighbours perform their Tarawih alone at home, then all will be sinful because of neglecting the Jama’ah.
The time for Tarawih is from after Isha salaah to a little before Subhus-Sadiq. It can be performed either before or after the Witr salaah.
20 raka’at with 10 Salaam are masnun, one should have a niyyah for 2 raka’at of Tarawih each time. After every 4 raka’at it is Mustahab to sit a while and take a rest. It is makruh to perform Tarawih sitting if one has the strength of qiyam (standing).
While performing Tarawih some people do not join the Jama’ah from the beginning but join the Imam when he prepares to go into Ruku’. This is Makruh. They should join at the beginning.
If one does not get the Jamaa’ah for Fardh of Eisha, he should perform his Fardh alone and then join the Jamaa’ah for Tarawih. Witr, in this case, should also be prayed individually.

The worshiper has the option to be quiet during the pause after each 4 raka’at, or recite some Tasbih, or offer a voluntary prayer. The people of Makkah, as mentioned above, used to perform a tawaf of the Ka’bah, and the people of Madinah offered 4 raka’at of Nafl.