Ayatul Kursi - Ayat ul Kursi
Ayatul Kursi - Benefits of Ayatul Kursi in English - Benefits of Ayatul Kursi in Urdu - Ayatul Kursi Meaning - Ayatul Kursi Tilawat - Ayatul Kursi Recitation in Arabic.
Ayatul Kursi Translation - Ayatul Kursi in Urdu- Ayatul Kursi in English
Ayatul Kursi, also known as the Throne Verse, is verse 255 of the second chapter (Surah) of the Quran, Al-Baqarah. It is considered to be one of the most powerful and significant verses of the Quran and is widely recited and memorized by Muslims around the world.
The Ayatul Kursi begins with the words “Allah – there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence” (255:1), emphasizing the oneness and uniqueness of God. It goes on to describe the attributes of God, including that He is the possessor of all power and authority, that nothing is hidden from Him, and that He is the ultimate judge.
The verse also asserts that God is the only one worthy of worship and that there is no one or nothing that can be compared to Him. It concludes with the statement “there is no power or strength except with Allah” (255:2), emphasizing the absolute dependence of everything on God’s will and power.
The Ayatul Kursi is considered to be one of the most powerful verses in the Quran and is believed to have many benefits for those who recite it regularly. Some of the benefits that are commonly associated with the recitation of the Ayatul Kursi include protection from evil and harm, increased faith and devotion, and the attainment of blessings and blessings from God.
Many people believe that reciting Ayatul Kursi before going to sleep is a way of ensuring that you are protected throughout the night. Some also believe that it can help to ward off evil spirits and negative energy and that it can bring peace, calm and contentment to the reciter.
Additionally, Ayatul Kursi is one of the most powerful verses of the Quran and is believed to bring many blessings to the person who recites it regularly. These blessings can include protection from harm, increased faith and devotion, and the attainment of blessings and blessings from God.
In sum, Ayatul Kursi is considered one of the most powerful and significant verses of the Quran and is widely recited and memorized by Muslims around the world. The verse emphasizes the oneness and uniqueness of God, the attributes of God, and that God is the only one worthy of worship. It is also believed to have many benefits for those who recite it regularly, including protection from evil and harm, increased faith and devotion, and the attainment of blessings and blessings from God.
Importance of Ayatul Kursi & Significance of Ayatul Kursi:
The Six Kalimas are six phrases that are considered to be the foundation of Islamic faith and belief. They are often taught to children and are considered to be the basic declaration of faith in Islam. The six kalima’s are:
- Kalima Tayyab: “La ilaha illa Allah” (There is no god but Allah)
- Kalima Shahada: “Ashhadu anna Muhammadur Rasulullah” (I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah)
- Kalima Tamjeed: “Subhan Allah” (Glory be to Allah)
- Kalima Tawhid: “La ilaha illa Allah” (There is no god but Allah)
- Kalima Astaghfar: “Astaghfirullah” (I seek forgiveness from Allah)
- Kalima Radde Kufr: “La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadur Rasulullah” (There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah)
The first Kalima, Kalima Tayyab, is the declaration that there is no god but Allah and is considered to be the most fundamental declaration of faith in Islam. This Kalima is considered to be the foundation of all other Kalimas, and it is the declaration that a person must make to become a Muslim.
The second Kalima, Kalima Shahada, is the declaration that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. This Kalima is considered to be the foundation of all other Kalimas, and it is the declaration that a person must make to become a Muslim.
The third Kalima, Kalima Tamjeed, is the declaration that Allah is free from all defects and imperfections and is deserving of all praise and glory. This Kalima is considered to be the foundation of all other Kalimas, and it is the declaration that a person must make to become a Muslim.
The fourth Kalima, Kalima Tawhid, is the declaration that there is no god but Allah and that He is one and unique. This Kalima is considered to be the foundation of all other Kalimas, and it is the declaration that a person must make to become a Muslim.
The fifth Kalima, Kalima Astaghfar, is the declaration that one seeks forgiveness from Allah for their sins. This Kalima is considered to be the foundation of all other Kalimas, and it is the declaration that a person must make to become a Muslim.
The sixth Kalima, Kalima Radde Kufr, is the declaration of rejection of disbelief and the affirmation of the Oneness of Allah and the prophethood of Muhammad. This Kalima is considered to be the foundation of all other Kalimas, and it is the declaration that a person must make to become a Muslim.
This six kalima are considered to be the foundation of Islamic faith and belief, are often taught to children and are considered to be the basic declaration of faith in Islam. They are also considered to be the declaration of faith that a person must make to become a Muslim. Learning and reciting kalima is an important part of Islamic education and is considered to be a way of strengthening one’s faith and devotion to Allah. The Six Kalimas serve as reminders of the fundamental beliefs of Islam and are recited by many Muslims throughout the world.

Advantages of Reciting Ayatul Kursi
Reciting the Ayatul Kursi, also known as the Throne Verse, is considered to be one of the most powerful and significant acts of worship in Islam. The verse is verse 255 of the second chapter (Surah) of the Quran, Al-Baqarah. It is widely recited and memorized by Muslims around the world, and is believed to have many benefits for those who recite it regularly. Here are some of the advantages of reciting Ayatul Kursi:
Protection from Evil and Harm: One of the main advantages of reciting Ayatul Kursi is the belief that it can provide protection from evil and harm. Many Muslims recite the verse before going to sleep as a way of ensuring that they are protected throughout the night. Some also believe that reciting the verse can help to ward off evil spirits and negative energy and that it can bring peace, calm and contentment to the reciter.
Increase in Faith and Devotion: Another advantage of reciting Ayatul Kursi is the belief that it can increase faith and devotion. The verse emphasizes the oneness and uniqueness of God and the belief that God is all-knowing and all-powerful. Reciting the verse regularly can help to strengthen one’s faith and devotion to Allah and can bring blessings and blessings from God.
Spiritual Purification: In many Islamic cultures and traditions, Ayatul Kursi is also considered to be an important verse for purifying the mind and heart. Many Muslims believe that reciting the verse can help to purify the soul and bring peace and tranquillity to the mind and heart. This is why it is commonly recited as a form of spiritual purification.
Increase in Knowledge: The verse of Ayatul Kursi contains many attributes and qualities of Allah which can increase one’s knowledge about Allah, and help in understanding the essence of Tawhid (Oneness of Allah).
Protection from Jinn: It is said that reciting Ayatul Kursi will protect the person from jinn and black magic, as it contains the affirmation of the Oneness of Allah which is the basis of protection from jinn and black magic.
Protection from Natural Disasters: It is also said that reciting Ayatul Kursi regularly can protect from natural disasters such as earthquakes and thunderstorms, as it contains the affirmation of the power and authority of Allah over all things.
Protection from Accidents: Reciting Ayatul Kursi is also said to protect the person from accidents and mishaps, as it contains the affirmation of the all-encompassing knowledge of Allah and His protection over all things.
Increase in Rizq (Provision): Reciting Ayatul Kursi is also said to increase one’s provision and sustenance, as it contains the affirmation of the power and authority of Allah over all things, including the provision and sustenance of His creation.
Help in Gaining Forgiveness: The verse of Ayatul Kursi also contains the affirmation of the forgiveness of Allah and asking for His forgiveness, which can help in gaining forgiveness from Allah.
Help in Attaining Jannah (Paradise): The verse of Ayatul Kursi contains the affirmation of the power and authority of Allah, His protection and His blessings, which can help in attaining Jannah (Paradise) in the hereafter.
Ayatul Kursi in English Translation:
- Bismillaah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem
- Allahu la illaha illa hu
Wal Hayyul Qayyum - La te huzuhu sinetun wala nawmun
- Lahu ma fissemawati wa ma fil’ardi
- Men thallathiy yeshfe’u indehu illa biznih
- Ya’lemu ma beyne eydiyhim
- wa ma halfehum
- wa la yuhiytune
- bishey’in min ilmihi
- illa bima sha-a wasia kursiyyuhu semavati wal’ard
- Wa la yeuduhu hifzuhuma wa hu wal aliy ul aziym
Allah – there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.
Ayatul Kursi English Translation
“Allah! There is no god but He – the Living, The Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him Nor Sleep. His are all things In the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede In His presence except As he permitteth? He knoweth What (appeareth to His creatures As) Before or After or Behind them. Nor shall they compass Aught of his knowledge Except as He willeth. His throne doth extend Over the heavens And on earth, and He feeleth No fatigue in guarding And preserving them, For He is the Most High. The Supreme (in glory).”
Ayatul Kursi In Malay Translation:
Allah, tidak ada Tuhan melainkan Dia yang Hidup Kekal lagi terus menerus mengurus (makhluk-Nya); tidak mengantuk dan tidak tertidur. Kepunyaan-Nya apa yang ada di langit dan di bumi. Siapakah yang dapat memberi syafaat (pertolongan) di sisi Allah tanpa izin-Nya? Allah mengetahui apa-apa yang di hadapan mereka dan di belakang mereka, sedang mereka tidak mengetahui apa-apa dari ilmu Allah melainkan apa yang dikehendaki-Nya. Kerajaan Allah (IlmuNya dan KekuasaanNya) meliputi langit dan bumi. Dan Allah tidak merasa berat memelihara keduanya, dan Allah Maha Tinggi (darjat kemuliaanNya), lagi Maha Besar (kekuasaanNya).
Ayatul Kursi In Hindi Translation:
2.255: ख़ुदा ही वो ज़ाते पाक है कि उसके सिवा कोई माबूद नहीं (वह) ज़िन्दा है (और) सारे जहान का संभालने वाला है उसको न ऊँघ आती है न नींद जो कुछ आसमानो में है और जो कुछ ज़मीन में है (गरज़ सब कुछ) उसी का है कौन ऐसा है जो बग़ैर उसकी इजाज़त के उसके पास किसी की सिफ़ारिश करे जो कुछ उनके सामने मौजूद है (वह) और जो कुछ उनके पीछे (हो चुका) है (खुदा सबको) जानता है और लोग उसके इल्म में से किसी चीज़ पर भी अहाता नहीं कर सकते मगर वह जिसे जितना चाहे (सिखा दे) उसकी कुर्सी सब आसमानॊं और ज़मीनों को घेरे हुये है और उन दोनों (आसमान व ज़मीन) की निगेहदाश्त उसपर कुछ भी मुश्किल नहीं और वह आलीशान बुजुर्ग़ मरतबा है .
2.256: दीन में किसी तरह की जबरदस्ती नहीं क्योंकि हिदायत गुमराही से (अलग) ज़ाहिर हो चुकी तो जिस शख्स ने झूठे खुदाओं बुतों से इंकार किया और खुदा ही पर ईमान लाया तो उसने वो मज़बूत रस्सी पकड़ी है जो टूट ही नहीं सकती और ख़ुदा सब कुछ सुनता और जानता है .
2.257: ख़ुदा उन लोगों का सरपरस्त है जो ईमान ला चुके कि उन्हें (गुमराही की) तारीक़ियों से निकाल कर (हिदायत की) रौशनी में लाता है और जिन लोगों ने कुफ़्र इख्तेयार किया उनके सरपरस्त शैतान हैं कि उनको (ईमान की) रौशनी से निकाल कर (कुफ़्र की) तारीकियों में डाल देते हैं यही लोग तो जहन्नुमी हैं (और) यही उसमें हमेशा रहेंगे.
Benefits of Reciting Ayatul Kursi
Some essential benefits of the respected Ayat. The respected Ayat comprises many important benefits. Some are mentioned hereunder:
1. This is the loftiest Ayaat of the Quran, Kareem.
2. That is the chief Ayaat of the Quran, Kareem.
3. The reader of it is protected from the evil effects of the Jinnat from morning until evening and from evening until morning.
4. It is from the threshold of the arsh.
5. It is equal to a quarter of the Quran, Kareem.
6. Whoever recites it after the fard Salaat will be protected until the next Salaat, and repeating it constantly was done by the Nabi, Siddique or Martyr. Only death is the barrier between the reader and Jannat.
7. Blowing it upon food and drink brings blessings and abundance.
8. It is greater than the skies, earth, Jannat and Jahannam.
9. Whosoever reads it upon entering the home, Satan runs away from there.
10. The reciter, his children, home, wealth, property and his neighbours’ homes are safe.
11. Whosoever reads it together with the last Ayats of Surah Baqarah, Shaitaan does not enter his home for three days.
12. The Jinnaat cannot open any utensil upon which it is read.
13. In it is the Ism Azam.
14. The thief does not come near its reciter.
15. When recited with the last Ayat of Surah Baqarah, the plea of the reciter will not go unattended.
16. When reciting it whilst retiring to one’s sleeping place, one is protected until the morning. Two angels are deputed to protect him.
17. Whosoever recites it after every fard, Salaat will be rewarded with a grateful heart, a remembering tongue, the reward of being martyred in the path of Allaah, and will also be rewarded like the Siddique’s.
18. Who reads it and “Inna Rabba bi kum Allaah..” and the last two Quls for women on delivery, then the delivery becomes easy.
19. When one reads it and blows on his possessions and goods, then Shaitaan will not come near.
20. Whosoever reads Ayatul Kursi and the beginning of Surah Ghafir in the morning will be protected and safe from the morning until the evening and vice versa. Subahaanallaah!