Ayat e Karima - Ayat e Kareema
Ayat e Karima Wazifa, Ayat e Karima Benefits, Ayat e Kareema Importance, Ayat e Karima Significance, Ayat e Karima Tarjuma, Ayat e Karima Dua, Ayat e Karima Meaning
Ayat E Karima Dua and Benefits of Ayat e Kareema
Ayat-e-Karima, also known as the “Verse of Honor,” is a supplication found in the Holy Quran in Surah Al-Anbiya, verse 87. It is believed to be a powerful prayer that invokes the mercy and blessings of Allah.
Significance of Ayat E Kareema (Ayat E Karima)
Ayat al-Kareema, also known as the Verse of Purity or the Noble Verse (ayah sharifa), is a well-known and revered verse from the Holy Quran. It is the 255th verse of Surah Al-Baqarah, the second chapter of the Quran. The Ayat al-Kareema is considered to be one of the most important verses in the Quran due to its significance and many benefits.
The significance of Ayat al-Kareema can be understood in several ways:
Concept of Tawheed: The Ayat al-Kareema emphasizes the concept of Tawheed or the Oneness of Allah. It describes the qualities and attributes of Allah and affirms His sole authority and power over all things. It is a powerful reminder of the importance of acknowledging Allah’s unique position as the only God and submitting to His will.
Remembrance of Allah: Ayat al-Kareema is also considered as a powerful form of Dhikr (remembrance) of Allah. The verse is often recited as a form of prayer, seeking forgiveness, guidance, and protection. It is believed that the recitation of this verse brings a sense of peace, tranquility, and blessings from Allah.
Protection: Ayat al-Kareema is also known for its protective qualities. It is believed that reciting this verse can protect a person from evil, harm, and danger. Muslims often recite this verse for protection from physical and spiritual harm.
Purification: The verse is also believed to have purifying qualities. It is often recited during times of distress or difficulty to seek Allah’s forgiveness and purification. Muslims believe that the recitation of Ayat al-Kareema helps in purifying one’s soul and removing sins.
Merits and Rewards: Ayat al-Kareema is considered as one of the most virtuous and meritorious verses of the Quran. It is believed that the recitation of this verse carries great rewards and blessings from Allah. Many Muslims recite this verse regularly as a form of worship and seeking Allah’s mercy and blessings.
Ayat al-Kareema is a significant and revered verse of the Quran. Its emphasis on the concept of Tawheed, remembrance of Allah, protection, purification, and merits and rewards make it an essential part of Muslim worship and spiritual practice. The recitation of this verse brings a sense of peace, tranquility, and blessings from Allah, and is considered a powerful means of seeking forgiveness, guidance, and protection.

La ilaha illa Anta Subhanaka Inni Kuntu Minaz Zalimin
Ayat E Karima Meaning & Importance:
Ayat e Karima is regarded among the important verses of the Holy Quran. However, it is a dua that Hazrat Yunus (AS) recited while he was in the belly of fish. The verse has several great virtues. It is a reason that people recite in large numbers. Below are some of the key FAQs about Ayat e Karima.
- It fulfills the right desire of the person.
- It overcomes all the difficulties.
- It solves the marriage issues.
- It Defeats and overpowers enemies and tyrant leaders.
- It is the best treatment for incurable diseases.
- It is a cure for any type of magic.
- It assists to overpower and defeat tyrant leaders and enemies.
- A right desire of a person can be fulfilled.
- It can treat different incurable diseases.
- It can assist in several spiritual issues including black magic.
- It offers great help in overcoming difficulties in life.
- It is also beneficial for people who are having marriage issues.

How to do Ayat e Karima Wazifa?
- Make ablution or wudu.
- Sit in a quiet and calm place.
- Recite Durood e Ibrahim 11 times.
- Recite 100 or 313 or 125,000 times Ayat e Karima
- Make Dua to Allah regarding your problem.
- Again Recite Durood e Ibrahim 11 times.
Ayat e Karima Benefits & Significance
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) has said:
“I know words that will cause Allah to remove one’s distress. These are the words (of supplication) of my brother Yonus (AS)” (Tirmidhi)
It is not enough to simply recite Ayat e Karima a few times and expect miracles to occur. It is better to build long-lasting success to ensure your success in this life and the next rather than desire a miracle overnight.
It is easy to get distracted when we recite Ayat e Karima because we want results immediately. When we lose faith, Satan can enter and pull us away from success and repentance.
Many of us start a dua, wazifa, or practice, but then we give up after a couple of days. It will become a habitual mental pattern when you practice it again and again. So, if you want to get the most benefits, you must be consistent and punctual.
Few Question About Ayat e Kareema
– How many times should we recite Ayat e Karima in a day?
There is no fixed count. Reciting it one time wholeheartedly is better than repeating it 10000 times without seriousness.
– Can we read Ayat e Kareema without wudu?
Yes, you can recite it without wudhu.
– What is this Ayat good for?
Ayat e Karima is a supplication to Allah. We testify to Allah’s oneness and glorify Him. In the second part, we humbly repent for our wrongdoings and sins. In return, it alleviates our (any sort of) pains and sufferings with Allah’s blessings.
– Is Ayat e Karima heavy?
Ayat e Kareema is called heavy (Jalali) and it is usually suggested that there should be a limit on reciting it per day.