Ghusl - How To Perform Ghusl
Ghusl (Purification Bathing) - How is Ghusl Performed? - Steps Of Ghusl - How to Perform Ghusl Janabat - Types of Ghusl - Ghusl steps for Women - Ghusl steps for Men - Types Of Ghusl - Manner of Performing Ghusl
Ghusl - How to Perform Ghusl - Steps of Ghusl for Men & Women
Ghusl is an Arabic term that refers to the full-body ritual purification required in Islam before performing certain acts of worship or before handling or reading the Quran. It is an essential aspect of Islamic hygiene and is considered a way to cleanse the body and soul. Ghusl is required in several situations including:
- After sexual intercourse
- After menstruation or post-natal bleeding
- After a person’s death
The process of Ghusl involves washing the entire body with water, including the hair and the private parts. The water must be clean and free from impurities, and it is recommended to use a mild soap or shampoo.
The steps of Ghusl are as follows:
- Intention (niyyah): The person must make the intention to perform Ghusl and to purify themselves before beginning the process.
- Wudu: A person must perform Wudu, which is a minor ablution that involves washing the face, hands, and feet.
- Body washing: The person should begin by washing their hands, then the private parts, and then the rest of the body. They should make sure to wash every part of the body, including the hair and the ears.
- Rinsing: The person should rinse their mouth, nose, and face three times.
- Final rinsing: The person should pour water over the entire body three times, making sure to cover every part of the body.
It is important to note that Ghusl is not just a physical act of cleansing but also a spiritual one. It is a way to purify the body and the soul and to prepare oneself for worship and other religious activities. It is also considered a way to show respect and humility before God.
Ghusl is also considered an act of modesty, as it helps to maintain cleanliness and hygiene. It also helps to protect against illness and disease and to promote good health.
It is also important to note that Ghusl is not only required for adult Muslims but also for children and teenagers who have reached puberty. They should be taught the importance of Ghusl and the proper way to perform it.
In conclusion, Ghusl is an Arabic term that refers to the full-body ritual purification required in Islam before performing certain acts of worship or before handling or reading the Quran. It is an essential aspect of Islamic hygiene and is considered a way to cleanse the body and soul. It is required in several situations including after sexual intercourse, after menstruation or post-natal bleeding, and after a person’s death. The process of Ghusl involves washing the entire body with water, including the hair and the private parts. It is not only a physical act of cleansing but also a spiritual one, it is a way to purify the body and the soul and to prepare oneself for worship and other religious activities. It is also considered a way to show respect and humility before God, an act of modesty and to promote good health.
Manner of Performing Ghusl:
Before explaining the rules of performing the ghusl it is necessary to mention that all the ghusls are performed in the same manner; the difference is only in the niyyat of each ghusl. For example, for purifying oneself from the ritual impurity of sexual intercourse, one has to make the niyyat that `he is doing ghusl janabat’. Ghusl is a ritual bath; it involves washing of the whole body. There are two methods of performing ghusl. One is known as ghusl tartibi, and the other is known as ghusl irtimasi.
1. Ghusl Tartibi:
“Ghusl tartibi” means an ordinal bath, performed in three stages.
After washing away the najasat (e.g., semen or blood) from the body and after niyyat, the body has to be washed in three stages: First, head down to the neck; then the right side of the body from the shoulder down to the foot; and lastly, the left side of the body.
Each part should be washed thoroughly in such a way that the water reaches the skin. Special care should be taken while washing the head; the hair should be combed (e.g., with your fingers) so that water reached the hair roots. While washing the right side of the body, some part of the left side must be washed too, and also, while washing the left side of the body, some part of the right side must be washed.
2. Ghusl Irtimasi:
“Ghusl irtimasi” means a bath involving immersion of the whole body in the water. It is needless to say that such a ghusl can only be done in a body of water, e.g., a pool, river, lake or sea.
After washing away the semen or blood from the body and after niyyat, the whole body should be completely immersed in the water all at once, not gradually. One has to make sure that the water reaches all parts of the body, including hair and the skin under it.
However, ghusl tartibi is preferred to ghusl irtimasi.
Recommendable Acts of Ghusl:
What has been mentioned above are the wajib acts of ghusl; here, we shall explain the things which are recommendable (mustahab, Sunnat) during the ghusl. These recommendable acts are five:
1. Wash both hands up to the elbows three times before the ghusl.
2. Gargling three times.
3. Wiping the hands on the whole body to ensure that every part has been thoroughly washed.
4. Combine the hair with the fingers to ensure the water reaches the hair roots.
5. (For men only) Doing istibra’ before ghusl janabat. Istibra’, in the present context, means “urinating.” The benefit of istibra’: If a liquid comes out of one’s penis after completing the ghusl, and he doubts whether it is semen or urine, should he repeat it or not? If he had done istibra’ before the ghusl, then he can assume that the liquid is urine -he will not have to repeat the ghusl; he just has to do wudu for his salat. But, on the other hand, if he had not done istibra’ before the ghusl, then he has to assume that it is the remnant of semen-he will have to do the ghusl again.
Ubaydullah al-Halabi narrates that someone asked Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (as) about a man who performs ghusl and then finds some (doubtful) drops (on his penis) while he had already urinated before performing the ghusl. (Should he consider the drops as urine or semen?) The Imam said, “He will have to do wudu (for his salat). But if he had not passed urine before the ghusl, then he must repeat the ghusl.”
This rule of istibra’ applies only to men. Sulayman bin Khalid asked Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (as) about a man who became ritually impure because of sexual intercourse and then performed a ghusl without urinating. Then some drops came out of him. The Imam said, “He must repeat the ghusl.” Sulayman: “What if similar drops come from a woman after she has performed a ghusl?” The Imam said, “She does not have to repeat the ghusl.” Sulayman: “What is the difference between the two?” The Imam said, “(A woman does not have to repeat ghusl janabat) because what comes out of her is certainly from the (remnants of the) discharge of man.”
Conditions For The Validity of Ghusl
The validity of ghusl depends on certain conditions which are known as “the conditions for the validity of ghusl”. These conditions are ten in number: three conditions are related to the water, four are related to the person and three to the act of ghusl itself.
i. The Water:
1. The water must be mutlaq (unmixed, pure).
2. The water must be tahir (ritually clean).
3. The water must be mubah (lawful). The details of these conditions are same as the conditions of the water of wudu.
ii. The Person:
4. Niyyat.
5. All parts of the body must be clean from the impurity (e.g., semen, blood) before starting the ghusl.
6. Use of water should not be harmful to the person who wants to perform ghusl.
7. The ghusl must be performed by the person himself. (The details are same as in wudu)
iii. The Ghusl
8. The place where ghusl is being performed must be mubah (lawful).
9. The ghusl should be performed either in tartibi manner or in irtimasi manner.
10. All parts of the body must be washed thoroughly as explained above.